Rev. Ben Lowe

Rev. Ben Lowe
Senior Advisor
Ben Lowe served as the YECA National Organizer and Spokesperson for 3+ years and is one of the organization's founders. He is currently the executive director of A Rocha USA and holds an undergraduate degree from Wheaton College (IL) in environmental biology and a doctorate from the University of Florida in Interdisciplinary Ecology. Originally from Singapore, Ben is the author of Green Revolution: Coming Together to Care for Creation (IVP 2009), Doing Good Without Giving Up: Sustaining Social Action in a World That’s Hard to Change (IVP 2014), and The Future of Our Faith: An Intergenerational Conversation on Critical Issues Facing the Church (Brazos 2016), coauthored with Ron Sider. He is ordained in the Christian and Missionary Alliance and lives in Florida, where he can often be found kayaking and fishing on the Indian River Lagoon.