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About Us

Statement of Welcome and Inclusion

As Christians, we believe all people are wholly and unconditionally made in the image of God (Genesis 1), known and “knit together” by God (Psalm 139), and loved by God (John 3). Therefore, we as Christians are also called to recognize this imago dei and the created-ness of all people by respecting their dignity and loving them as God does. Scripture reveals that there is a high standard for how we treat each other: if you have all of the power in the world, and many other virtues besides, “but do not have love, then [you] are nothing” (1 Cor. 13). Furthermore, whoever does not know love does not know God (1 John 4). 

In particular, the Bible’s witness is also clear that God places - and we also ought to place - a high priority on welcoming, caring for, and cherishing those whom society neglects (Matt. 25:31-46, Luke 4:18-19). For much of evangelical Christianity’s past and present, LGBTQ+ people have been neglected, actively discriminated against, and at times bodily and spiritually harmed in the name of Christianity, and we grieve this history and reality. 

Therefore, YECA will not tolerate those who are unable to maintain a loving, respectful relationship with others, and we have a zero tolerance policy on harassment and discrimination related to a person’s sexual orientation, relationship status, and/or gender identity and expression. 

YECA affirms the fullness of your humanity, and we want you here in the full measure of your identity. As an organization, YECA welcomes those from the wide umbrella of Christian belief. We believe that God loves, cherishes, and values those at the margins of society, and as an organization we seek to do the same. We especially value the leadership of those from frontline communities (Acts 6 gives us a model for trusting the leadership of marginalized communities), and are working to make our organization more reflective of the diversity of the kingdom of God.

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