Jenna Van Donselaar
Jenna Van Donselaar
Jenna is a recent graduate of Yale Divinity School, where she holds a masters degree with a concentration in Religion and Ecology. She has spent the last few years thinking deeply about the connections between religion and ecology, looking at the ways we narrate the history of the environmental movement and examining how this story telling shapes our environmental ethics.
Born and raised in Denver, Colorado, Jenna comes from a family that deeply values the natural world. As she got older, Jenna began to realize that not everyone had the same access to or positive experiences with nature, and she began to see the climate crisis as a vital social justice issue. She is eager to work with her local community in Connecticut to bring about positive social change for the good of her community and all of creation. In her free time, Jenna enjoys running slowly, cooking delicious meals, and watching television.