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Young Evangelicals Call for Respect for Democratic Process, Peaceful Transition of Power

After an historic election, Joe Biden has been projected to become the 46th President of the United States.

In response, Rev. Kyle Meyaard-Schaap, national organizer and spokesperson for Young Evangelicals for Climate Action, released the following statement:

“A stable climate requires a stable democracy. In the midst of significant challenges, the democratic process has worked. Tens of thousands of volunteers have painstakingly pored over ballots, international observers have praised the process as free and fair, election officials have done their jobs admirably, and the voters have spoken. While it will take time to fully certify all of the results, it is now clear that Joe Biden will be the next President of the United States.

President Trump has vowed to take the election results of some battleground states to court. This is his right. It is not his right, however, to claim widespread voter fraud and corruption without evidence. This is dangerous and undemocratic. While an election is never final until all votes are canvassed and certified, this kind of preemptive and baseless attack on the democratic process by a sitting president is reprehensible.

We condemn the dangerous language from the President and the tensions it is inflaming among the American people. We call on all candidates to respect the democratic process and the rule of law. Should the current counts stand after certification, we call for a peaceful transition of power. We invite all people of faith to continue to pray that peace with justice will prevail.”

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