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YECA Supports Environmental Justice for All Act

Last week, Rep. McEachin (D-VA), Rep. Grijalva (D-AZ), and Senator Duckworth (D-IL) introduced the Environmental Justice for All Act. 

In response, YECA National Organizer and Spokesperson Tori Goebel released the following statement:

“As followers of Christ, we must boldly address and uproot historic and ongoing injustices in the United States. The impacts of corporate pollution and climate change disproportionately impact Tribal and Indigenous communities, communities of color, and low-income communities. It is well past time to confront this reality and strive for a more just world in which all of God’s children have access to clean air and safe water. We cannot solve the climate crisis without caring for our neighbors and addressing environmental injustice, and that is why YECA applauds the introduction of the Environmental Justice for All Act by Rep. McEachin (D-VA), Rep. Grijalva (D-AZ), and Senator Duckworth (D-IL). 

“For far too long, Tribal and Indigenous communities, communities of color, and low-income communities have been excluded from the decision making process. This powerful, comprehensive legislation was developed through collaboration with the communities most impacted by environmental racism and oppression and it seeks to alleviate the ongoing burdens caused by toxic pollution and environmental hazards. As the bill's cosponsors state, ‘the Environmental Justice for All Act is rooted in the moral principle that all people have the right to pure air, clean water, and an environment that enriches life. It is informed by the belief that federal policy can and should seek to achieve environmental justice, health equity, and climate justice for all communities.’

“This bill would:

  • utilize new fees on fossil fuel companies to create a Federal Energy Transition Economic Development Assistance Fund to support workers and communities during the clean energy transition
  • require federal agencies to consider cumulative health impacts when making decisions
  • provide $75 million in research and program grants for environmental justice communities
  • require robust community and Tribal representation in decision making. 

“Addressing environmental injustice is a moral imperative that is close to the heart of young Christians. We thank Chairman Raul Grijalva, Representative Donald EcEachin, and Senator Tammy Duckworth for their leadership and commitment to justice.”

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