Today, the United States House of Representatives passed the Build Back Better Act. This act would be the largest effort to address climate change in American history while also creating jobs and lowering energy costs.
As Christians, we are called to love God and love our neighbors (Matthew 22:34-40). Addressing the climate crisis is a meaningful way of doing both better. With today’s passage of the Build Back Better Act in the House of Representatives, we are one step closer to a brighter, more just future for everyone.
It is time for serious, historic climate action. We know that we do not have time to waste; our neighbors are suffering from the weight of climate change now, and our future is in danger. We also know that we cannot address climate change without addressing interconnected concerns like racial and economic injustice, and so we are pleased that the Build Back Better Act would target 40% of investments in communities on the frontlines of climate change and also includes a new Civilian Climate Corps.
While the price tag of this vital bill may seem large, it truly pales in comparison to the steep price tag of inaction. This year alone, climate-fueled extreme weather has cost our economy a record-breaking $105 billion in property and infrastructure damage and over 500 lives lost. We cannot afford to ignore climate change any longer. Once signed into law, Build Back Better will create jobs, improve the economy, and build more resilient communities, all while addressing the climate crisis.
YECA thanks all the supporters of this historic bill and is grateful for the leadership of Speaker Pelosi, Majority Leader Hoyer, and Committee Chairs Neal (MA-01), Yarmuth (KY-03), Pallone (NJ-06), Castor (FL-14), Scott (GA-13), and Grijalva (AZ-03). Unfortunately, caring for God’s creation and creating a better future for all has become a partisan issue with this bill. The climate crisis touches every facet of our lives and highlights how interconnected we truly are. We are thankful for the leaders who are boldly making the moral choice, and we call on all leaders, regardless of their political ideology, to ensure that future generations can thrive in a stable climate and pollution-free world.
As the Build Back Better Act heads to the Senate for consideration, we urge senators to fulfill their moral responsibility to boldly address the climate crisis and to stop playing political football with our future. It is time for climate justice. Young people are watching, and we will not accept anything less.