YECA’s Summer of Action is coming to a close, and we are so thankful for all of the young activists at YECA who are faithfully continuing the fight for climate action. We are particularly thrilled to highlight one young person who has spent the summer taking action by encouraging her peers to vote.
Megan Quinn is a YECA Advocate from Holland, Michigan. This summer, she wrote this awesome letter to the editor that got published in her hometown paper. In this piece, she shares her perspective as a young Christian and calls on fellow Michiganders to vote with climate in mind. She also recorded this fun video that dives into her love for God’s creation and the need to care for our common home. Check it out on our Instagram!
We are so thankful for Megan’s passionate advocacy and efforts to inspire others around her to vote! Want to take action in similar ways this fall? Eager to mobilize voters? Sign up today for our Love God, Love Your Neighbor, Vote for Climate campaign! We need your help to get out the vote this November. Learn more and volunteer.