This is a critical decade for the climate crisis, and together we can make this season a turning point for climate justice.
On June 30, 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled to limit the EPA’s ability to cut carbon pollution, taking away a crucial tool in the toolbox to safeguard our communities against dangerous climate impacts. (Read YECA's full statement here.) It is now more important than ever for Congress to act on climate change.
The $550 billion in transformative climate investments in the reconciliation bill will create jobs, lower energy costs, and strengthen communities. It is well past time to invest in bold climate action.
Join with YECA as we flood the phones by calling your Senators and urging them to act now and invest in crucial climate action. Participating is simple! Just dial 1-866-531-4003 and enter your ZIP code. Then, deliver the sample message below or feel free to personalize it as you see fit!*
Call Now: 1-866-531-4003
Hi, my name is [YOUR NAME] and I am calling with a message for Senator [YOUR SENATOR’S NAME].
The Supreme Court just limited the EPA’s ability to cut carbon pollution, taking away a crucial tool in the toolbox to safeguard [YOUR STATE] against dangerous climate impacts.
As a constituent and a young Christian, I know that climate change is already impacting [YOUR STATE] and it’s now more important than ever for Congress to act.
I urge the Senator to support investments in climate, health, and clean jobs, like the $550 billion dollar investments proposed in the reconciliation bill.
We need urgent action now for the safety and wellbeing of [YOUR STATE], especially frontline communities that are already feeling the worst impacts of environmental and economic injustice. These investments will also provide good-paying, clean energy jobs to and help avert the worst consequences of climate change.
As a young Christian, I urge the Senator to support climate and clean energy investments now. We do not have any time to waste.
Thank you.
*To call both senators, simply redial the number (1-866-531-4003), and you will be connected with your second state senator.