Today, the United States Supreme Court released its decision on West Virginia V. EPA, a crucial case concerning the authority of the Environmental Protection Agency to limit greenhouse gas emissions from power plants under the Clean Air Act.
In response, YECA National Organizer and Spokesperson Tori Goebel released the following statement:
“Today, in a 6-3 decision, the Supreme Court limited the Environmental Protection Agency’s ability to reduce dangerous, climate-warming carbon emissions from the power sector. We are deeply troubled by this decision that undermines the authority of the very agency tasked with the mission ‘to protect human health and the environment.’
“Though this ruling is indeed disappointing, it does not alter reality. Today’s decision does not change how we must respond to climate change: boldly, quickly, and with love for our neighbors. Addressing climate change at the speed and scale required by science is as vital today as it was yesterday. Our leaders must use every tool and avenue at their disposal to take serious action. We are therefore calling on Congress to immediately pass the $555 billion in clean energy and climate investments included in the reconciliation bill. Now, more than ever, our leaders in Congress must fulfill their moral responsibility to boldly address the climate crisis and to stop politicizing our future. Young people are watching, and we will not accept anything less.”
Please join us by sending a message to your elected leaders today. Additionally, we are urging young Christians to please call your Senators using the script and information found here.
As you process today’s disappointing and troubling decision, please take time to care for yourself and your loved ones. It is vital that we find rest and renewal in the wake of increasing adversity and discouraging news.