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YECA Responds to Recent Presidential Actions

Photo of the White House surrounded by trees, under a cloudy gray sky

As young Christians called to love our neighbors, we take seriously our biblical mandate to protect God’s creation and the environment as an act of devoted stewardship (Genesis 1:26; 2:15). Creation care is not just about preserving the environment for its own sake, but for the benefit of all people, especially the most vulnerable. 

In his joint address to Congress, President Trump stated that his administration’s “goal is to get toxins out of our environment.” This is a goal YECA shares. However, many of the administration’s first actions have done the opposite and rolled back important environmental progress, including loosening restrictions on toxic pollutants and fuel efficiency standards that reduce pollution. Other rollbacks, including the termination of the American Climate Corps program–which puts young Americans to work protecting God’s creation–increased oil and gas drilling on public land (specifically the Arctic wildlife refuge), and withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement are particularly disappointing given our history of dedicated engagement and work on these issues and efforts. We are also disappointed by the administration’s actions to claw back $3 billion in grants to disadvantaged communities disproportionately burdened by pollution and climate harms, the elimination of agency offices that served them, the erasure of EPA data documenting neighborhood pollution burden (preserved here), and the freeze on other climate and clean energy initiatives from the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) that are benefitting communities nationwide. Furthermore, YECA is displeased with the mass firing of National Park Rangers, USDA conservation agents, and other federal workers responsible for providing critical climate research, weather data, and implementing life-saving environmental protections. Many of those fired are young people like us at the start of their careers who desire to serve their country and benefit communities with their talents, skills, and passion. Taken together, all of these actions jeopardize the millions of lives that depend on clean air, drinkable water, and accessible information to survive and thrive. 

Many of the Trump Administration’s first actions neglect the call to love our neighbors both domestically and abroad, particularly neighbors who are disproportionately affected by environmental degradation, such as low-income communities and younger generations. As Christians, we have a collective responsibility to protect God’s creation as a way to honor the Creator to whom it belongs. True stewardship involves decisions that honor God, defend life, and ensure that the abundance of creation is not exploited. To that end, we call on our elected officials, both locally and federally, to halt attempts to undercut critical clean energy, climate, and environmental policies that protect creation, defend life, and create good paying jobs and financial hope for millions of families and communities. Now more than ever our leaders must stand strong to preserve progress made for a safer climate and more just and equitable world for all. YECA is dedicated to continuing our work with fellow Christians, other advocates, and policymakers across the aisle, toward policies and projects that reflect our commitment to our faith and the wellbeing of all God’s children.

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